About WNC

Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre is a non-profit, City of Toronto AOCC agency that is supported by a volunteer board of dedicated community members. We work in partnership with residents and community-minded organizations to create a safe and supportive environment for people of all ages.

Our waterfront community is the fastest growing vertical neighbourhood in the City! Our programs mirror our community as the demand for family, children, community outreach and senior programs are on the rise. By engaging the community, we ensure that WNC’s activities will meet the growing and diverse needs of our neighbourhood – now and in the future.

Mission Statement

Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre (WNC) strives to engage all community members in an atmosphere of belonging, diversity and accessibility through our programs, services and facilities. As a cornerstone of the community, WNC also advocates for the needs of this ever changing neighbourhood.


WNC meets the needs of a diverse and changing multi-cultural community, responding to the particular needs of community members who are at risk, vulnerable, marginalized or isolated.


  • WNC believes in the provision of programs and services in a welcoming, accessible, sensitive and supportive place.
  • WNC is committed to improving the quality of life for the residents of the neighbourhood.
  • WNC recognizes the value of providing volunteer opportunities for local residents to become engaged in the community centre and recognizes voluntary contributions.
  • WNC is supportive of staff, ensuring they are rewarded appropriately for their work.
  • WNC acts in a fiscally responsible manner.

Strategic Plan

Our Board of Management and staff operate under a strategic plan with priority directions and actions.

Facility Needs Assessment 2018

The Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre (WNC) Facility Needs Assessment describes the WNC site and facility, how well it currently functions and to identify small, medium and long-term ideas for improving WNC for Today, Building Tomorrow and Planning for the Future.

Download Facility Needs Assessment 2018

Annual General Meeting

WNC members and local residents are welcome to Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre’s Annual General Meeting. AGM notices are posted publicly one month in advance.

Annual Reports

Audited Financial Statements

June 25, 2024

Program Guide

Annual Report

Facility Rentals

2019 Annual Report

Meeting spaces, gym, dance studio, outdoor basketball court, and multimedia are available at competitive rates. Funds raised help to support WNC programs and services.

Support WNC

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