Week #1

Ground Breaking

It’s week number 1 in our #WNC_Countdownto30 series! In the clip, filmed on February 29, 1996, the centre is shown hosting a Ground Breaking Ceremony for the community to celebrate the beginning of the permanent centre’s construction. At the end

Week #2

Youth Program Music Performance

It’s week number 2 in our #WNC_Countdownto30 series! Music, performance and creativity have been at the heart of our youth program since our centre’s very beginning. Since 2009, our youth have had access to state-of-the-art recording equipment and professional instruction

Week #5

Volunteers begin to dig up grass to create a wildflower garden.

It’s week number 5 in our #WNC_Countdownto30 series! Did you know that in 2019, Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre’s very own community garden produced 1,024lbs of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs and was home to over 1000 species of plants?! Our garden

Week #7

WNC's First Home

It shows the arrival of Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre’s first home. This small blue portable required devoted advocacy from the community to secure. It provided space for our earliest programs and for community get-togethers and celebrations.

Week #8

Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre

It’s week number 8 on our #WNC_Countdownto30 series. Can you believe it’s been 5 years this month since we had our name change? Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre formally the Harbourfront Community centre is filled with so many great memories and cannot

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