Week #21
February 13, 2021
This week on #WNC_Countdownto30 we share photos from an Unofficial Opening rally led by David Smiley in August 1990. 1st picture is David Smiley leading the event. 2nd picture is Elizabeth Amer with community members.
David Smiley was a founding board member and he was our political tutor. He taught us how to find our way into City Councillor’s offices to educate the politicians about the ignored needs of the Bathurst Quay residents, who were then living as waterfront pioneers, without any service to speak of. He was a leader in this new community, living in Arcadia Coop, and over 29 years ago staged a community rally which challenged the city to build our community centre. As a result, has gifted a wonderful legacy for the community by his advocacy actions, his passion for this Community Neighbourhood Centre and what it represents to the community.
Elizabeth Amer pictured in the second photo was the Neighbourhood’s City Councillor having served one term of office and then beginning another in 1991. She also became a founding member of the Board of Management when the City appointed its first board on July 8, 1991. She served during our first 3 years of operation while we were located in the 3 blue portables.