Week #1

July 6, 2021

It’s week number 1 in our #WNC_Countdownto30 series!

In the clip, filmed on February 29, 1996, the centre is shown hosting a Ground Breaking Ceremony for the community to celebrate the beginning of the permanent centre’s construction. At the end of the video you can see initial floor plans and a 3D model of the community centre.

Securing funding for our community centre required consistent and strategic planning from the community, politicians, staff and advocacy groups. Founding Board Members, key staff in the planning department, Ann Marie Nasr and Laurel Rothman, politicians Liz Amer, Rosario Marchese and many, many more were the strength of the neighbourhood and their enthusiasm was infectious.

In one final push for funding, on February 14, 1992, community members descended on City Hall and crashed a press conference where funding cuts to community centres were being announced. The Broken Hearts Campaign was born and the most exciting part was our youth hitting the CBC 6 p.m. news hour in front of those sad little blue portables shouting for a permanent building. Funding was granted! With City Project Manager, Wayne Moss, and architectural firm, CSP, along with consultation from the community, the centre was designed and announced.

Finally in 1997 we moved into WNC’s permanent building leaving our second location at the foot of Bathurst St, in the old Executive Building of Canada Malting.

We are proud of all that we have accomplished over the past 30 years, and thankful to all the people who were instrumental in creating the foundation on which we can continue to engage with and support the community.

Week #1
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