Executive Director Retirement Announcement
October 25, 2019
Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre (WNC) announced today that Leona Rodall, its Executive Director, is retiring in January 2020. As part of WNC’s executive transition plan, the Board has named Kelly McClure, previously Assistant Executive Director of WNC, as the Centre’s new Executive Director. The process to identify a new Assistant Executive Director is already underway.

“We are extremely appreciative to Leona for the critical role she had in founding the Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre in 1991 and its tremendous achievements over the past 29 years. WNC has grown from its humble roots of being located in three small portables, into a reputable and vibrant organization. It serves as a second home to many waterfront residents,” said Linda Ballantyne, Past Chair and Founding Board Member.
“We want to thank Leona for her dedicated and outstanding service. She set the path for the community to move forward, supported by the strong foundation she built with the community,” said Saida Said, who serves as WNC’s Board Co-Chair. WNC has a current staff of 88 and a volunteer base of 765, providing 504 programs and services. This is all achieved with a budget of $3,329,887 raised through a combination of City administration funding, grant funding, program and rental fees, individual donors, and corporate giving.
Leading WNC has been a tremendous honour and privilege.
Leona Rodall
“The Board is very excited about WNC’s new ventures. WNC is partnering with the Toronto and York Region Metis Council to accommodate their talented artists and programs within our space. Together we will learn from these shared experiences as part of WNC’s path in its Truth & Reconciliation work. WNC is also excited to continue working with City Planners in the continued revitalization of Bathurst Quay and is grateful to the City of Toronto for its $400,000 financial contribution towards our capital facility renewal plan launched in 2018,” said Amani Yagob, who also serves as WNC’s Board Co-Chair.

As WNC’s 30th anniversary begins in 2020, it will be an exciting time for the next stage of this organization’s history. “Leading WNC has been a tremendous honour and privilege. I could not have led this agency without the support of so many key community members, past and present board members, our generous financial benefactors and the dedicated and energetic staff team,” Leona said. “I love the Waterfront community and I am so proud of the accomplishments we have achieved. Thank you again for giving me a life time of memories,” Leona said, “and I have every confidence that the current management team has the skills to carry the agency forward under Kelly’s wise and experienced leadership.”
The Board is deeply grateful to Leona for the passion, enthusiasm, dedication, and respect that she has embodied in WNC. She will be greatly missed by all and we wish her well in her retirement adventures. If you have any questions or concerns during this transition process, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Board Co-Chairs.